Pilates kurs for nybegynnere

Er du nysgjerrig på Pilates, og vil bli kjent med en treningsform som trener kroppens kjernemuskulatur, som mage, rygg, hofter og skulder/nakke.
Kurset har fokus på pilates prinsipper som pust, sentrering, samt styrke og bevegelighet.
Du trener hele kroppen med funksjonelle øvelser på matte, som gjør det lett for deg å finne de «riktige musklene».
Young Latin women doing pilates virtual fitness class with laptop at home

Pilates Intro-Course for Beginners: 

Welcome to this foundation Pilates course for beginners.

Pilates is a form of exercise that trains the body’s core muscles, such as the stomach, back, hips and shoulder/neck. Where you train the whole body with functional exercises on mats, which make it easy for you to find the «right muscles».


This course will cover Pilates repertoire for beginners through all Pilates principles like breathing, control, centering, precision, flow, etc.


The purpose of the course is to improve your ability to move, strengthen your muscles while performing each exercise safely and effectively.


The main goal is for you to improve your Pilates practice and better move throughout the day as you connect your body and mind.

Get ready for a strength and rhythmic course.

Annen informasjon
